CHEM 3242 - Surface and Electrical Characterization Laboratory
- Multimode SFM (Digital Instruments) operated in nitrogen atmosphere glovebox with different scanning modes: STM, EFM, conducting AFM, tapping and contact AFM, liquid AFM, and MFM
- Fluorimeter (Fluorolog)
- Ambios XP-100 Profilometer
- Vacuum Variable Temperature Probe Station (10 K - 475 K) with photoconductivity, AC and DC conductivity capability
- Solartron Impedance/Gain Analyzer
- Keithley 4200 Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer
- Asylum SPM coupled with an Olympus inverted optical microscope, light sources, and filter wheels for photoconducting AFM measurements. Other operational modes are STM, EFM, scanning surface potential, conducting AFM, tapping and contact AFM, liquid AFM, and MFM
- Innova SPM (Veeco) with different modes: STM, EFM, conducting AFM, tapping and contact AFM, liquid AFM, and MFM
CHEM 3142 - Device Fabrication/Solar Cell Characterization Laboratory
- Angstrom Engineering evaporator integrated into double-length glovebox
- Spectra-physics 150 W 1.5 AM solar simulator with monochromator for EQE and J-V measurements
- Electroabsorption setup
- UV-Vis-IR spectrometer
- Ultrasonic Vibra-Cell
CHEM 3138 - Device Fabrication/Light Emitting Diode Characterization Laboratory
- Thermal evaporator integrated into glovebox
- Processing glovebox with spin-coater
- OLED device characterization: J-V and EL measurements.
- Laminar flow hood with spin-coater
- UV-Ozone cleaner
- Vacuum oven
CHEM 3146 - Wet Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 3239 - Room-Temperature Field-Effect Transistor Characterization Lab
- HP Semiconductor Analyzer (Agilent 4155C)
- Room temperature probe station (Signatone 1160 Series)
- Plasma cleaner (Harrick Plasma PDC-001)
- Organic single crystal growth furnaces
CHEM 3247 - Device Fabrication/Polymer Film Processing Laboratory
CHEM 3109 - Kelvin Probe Setup
Chem 3247
- Spincoating
- OECT testing
- 4 probe measurements and temperature-depenent measurements under inert atmosphere