Visiting Professor
Aug, 2016 - Jan. 2017
Ala’ Eftaiha is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the Hashemite University in Jordan. Ala’ was born in Jerusalem, Palestine. He obtained his BSc and MSc in chemistry from the Hashemite University. Afterwards, he worked as a researcher for two years at the Jordanian Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company. Ala’ earned his PhD at University of Saskatchewan in 2013 under the supervision of Matthew F. Paige. He then moved to Dalhousie University, where he worked as an NSERC-DREAMS postdoctoral fellow with Gregory C. Welch and Ian Hill. Recently, Ala’ have been awarded the Jordanian Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award to do six months of research at the UC Santa Barbara with Thuc-Quyen Nguyen. His research interests including capturing carbon dioxide and emerging photovoltaic technologies.
Intensive efforts have been directed towards implementing green approaches in variety of fields, with an ultimate goal of sustainable future. I am interested in exploiting benign materials that demonstrates the potential and promise to be a part of cutting edge products/technologies such as green sorbents of carbon dioxide and green electronics.